I recived a random gchat message from a random friend today:
"Are you ready to be my vaginacologist yet or WHAT?"
A simple, and lovely, reminder that there are people out there pulling for me to become a doctor. I may decide not to be a ob/gyn, but finding out this week that I passed step 1, I am now much more confident that I will get through medical school with my degree [and hopefully my head still screwed on]. Thanks ya'll for supporting me through the annoyance of having to retake it.
Now, if only I can get through the next 7 weeks of my pediatric clerkship without getting sick again... I LOVE peds but I'm not such a fan of all the bugs the cute kids carry around.
Congratulations on passing Step 1! So proud of you for persevering and succeeding. Now, on to more fun things-- like more pediatrics, and a visit to Boston in October, right?
Congratulations! I hope you have some time in the midst of clerkship to celebrate. As for avoiding the bugs, my personal strategy is as much hand sanitizer as possible. Every time I saw a dispenser on peds, I sanitized.
Conga-rats on passing the step 1 (although don't let your cat eat them all :-p ).
Zinc & elderberry cough drops are part of how I fend of the germs from all my students. I hope you feel better soon!
Yay! Passed the step 1! Go you! I knew you could do it!
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