Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Celiac Disease Awareness Day

I heard a rumor on a friend's facebook wall that today is celiac awareness day.  Like any educated person, I therefore felt it necessary to fact check before posting about it.  According to the almighty wikipedia: "A resolution was passed in the U. S. Senate, making September 13 National Celiac Disease Awareness Day. It is the birthday of Samuel Gee." Therefore, clearly, it is in fact national celiac disease awareness day.

Side note as to not embarrass my librarian friends: I promise you that my medical/scientific research is only partially based in facebook, google and the wikiworld.  I do occasionally also use peer reviewed journals for information and decision making. ;-)

In honor of this very special day, I present to you my recent escapades in gluten-free vegan goodness.  

Crepes! With chocolate-hazelnut filling.  We also made ones with daiya cheese. 

Peach blueberry birthday cake for the girlfriend.

Cake donuts! Next attempt will be a yeast version, deep fried &/or chocolate frosted- less healthy and more like what I remember.


Solitary Diner (Also Known as The Frugalish Physician) said...

You are to be commended for making both vegan and gluten-free food. I can barely handle feeding my restriction-free self on a daily basis. If I were cut off from fast food to supplement my cooking efforts, it's possible I might starve.

Sunkist Miss said...
