"Idealists foolish enough to throw caution to the winds have advanced mankind and have enriched the world." -Emma Goldman
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Growing pains
As disheartening and frustrating as these conversations are, I recognize it as a golden opportunity for personal growth. In order to be the leader that I hope to become, I need to learn how to take criticism. This opportunity for reflection is a rare jewel which should be embraced. Just as long bones hurt when they are stretched too fast, no significant personal growth can happen without a bit of struggle.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
High school flashback
Watching the video inspired me to pull out my old high school journal. While there are many pieces of writing touching on my evolving sense of sexual identity, there is one particular piece that strikes a nerve for me. It so strongly reminds me of who I was at 16 along with my fears at the time. It gives perspective on how far I've come, and also kind of excites me to see what changes the future bring.
Written at 16 (in Fall 2000):
"To be scared of the truth, that is only normal right? But what if the truth can change things? What if it changes the way people see you? The words that people use to describe you? What if it changes how people look at you? Or how they touch you? And does it really change things this much, or something you just fear. What if your initial instinct is wrong, and after all the trouble you are only 'normal'?
You see, it has been a big summer for me. A summer of self discovery and of experimenting. A summer of pushing the limits I had already set up for myself and of testing new unguided territories. But the summer has quickly ended leaving me uncertain and in new worlds. For the first time in my life I have a girlfriend when all I have ever imagined were boys. I'm now explaining to trusting friends that I am Gay, something that I'm not even sure of for myself. They all react the same way though; they all told me that they already knew, which only leads me to question myself more.
But summer has ended, and to go back to my old ways of life isn't as easy as I had hoped. What if people know? Will it change the way they see me? I'm used to hugging my friends and kissing them on the cheeks, will that stop? Would the people I'm used to cuddling with at [youth group] events be scared away if they knew the truth? It scares me, why wouldn't it scare them?
I know [youth group] is supposed to be a safe and accepting environment but when people use terminology like 'oh, that is so gay' and when they address people as 'fags' for being outcasts, how am I supposed to know what affect it would have on the way I am treated. And what happens when everyone is either hooking up or talking about their relationships at home, am I supposed to say 'yeah, I have a girlfriend' and well, come out of the closet to people I don't know so well when I'm not even sure if I'm in the closet?
But like everything else time will tell. The event will come and go and people will probably never find out. I'll hug and cuddle and just wonder what they would think if they knew the truth, and I will wrestle with the thought of being Gay in my own mind. In the end I will fall in love with the person I fall in love with, not with the sex of the person, and feel foolish because I pus so much time into trying to put labels to feelings that shouldn't always be defined."
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Modern love
"Perhaps the failure was mine — I’m sure many church members see it that way. I was too weak to endure. They’ll say I should have waited another decade, or spent my whole life alone if that’s what God required.
I’m just unwilling to believe that’s what God wants for anyone, and was unwilling to continue spiraling further into a disconnected life, feeling abandoned, being discounted."
I couldn't agree more. While I don't really believe in a G!d that is so intertwined in our daily lives, if G!d is actually involved in our match making, I can not fathom s/he would want anyone to be single (who doesn't want to be). As much as I accomplish in my life, I can't help but feel my life is still completely unfulfilled because I haven't found my basherit. I'm nearing 27 and am seeming to be eternally single. I'm trying to make the most out of my life: being a family member, a friend, an activist, a community member, a (future) healer; trying my hardest to be content with my lot. But, I can not help but wonder if I'm destined to spend my life single... and if I do spend my life single, what will that mean for my standing in the religious community? A community that is totally built on family life and procreation. I need to put these thoughts on hold for now though as I go back to studying for tomorrow morning's exam!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Passing of the tourch
The problem is finding first years who are idealistic and naive enough to take on these responsibilities. Just as we are trying to hand them off, their work load has increased... scaring them out of taking on too much. Last year, I hated hearing my class referred to as "slackers" for not wanting to take on leadership roles. So I am trying my hardest not to be frustrated with the current first year class for their lack of eagerness to take over all of these wonderful opportunities. I do get it. But PLEASE, take my positions! I want to be done with them already! I want to disappear to step 1 land foot-loose and fancy-free!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Cool as a cucumber
And then, "There was this one woman who thought she was a man!" Crash! Back to reality. Back to remembering that I am a medical student in the conservative South. He went on explaining the case, and when he got to a natural break, I spoke up. "You know they're in the process of removing gender identity disorder from the DSM?" I did my best to stay calm. To engage in a rational discussion about shifting understanding of gender identity. He tried to justify his comment and then quickly moved on to "And then there are narcissists! I had this one patient..."
It isn't his fault. It wasn't malicious. Even though he is a young doctor, he had never learned otherwise and so he was just passing on what he knows. This was a perfect case study in why medicine is a slowly evolving profession. But regardless, it is also a little heartbreaking. A sharp reminder that there is so much work to be done in this world. That the most effective way to do this work is to stay calm. To be cool as a cucumber. Slowly, I will rationally and politely educate my professors and peers one person at a time.
Monday, January 10, 2011
April 14, 2011, er wait, now April 18, 2011
And on the theme of going with your gut over everyone's advice, I have decided to move to the capital city for my clinical years. The academic set up and ability for leadership training was totally made for my learning style and my interests. Basically, the liberal arts alternative to medical school! I'm not looking forward to moving (who likes packing?) but am totally at peace with the decision. I've been getting pretty excellent responses when I tell people that I'm moving. So far, the best is: "I recommend only moving there until residency and not for residency, as that would ruin your grand plan of finding someone smart to date. As much as raising hell in [capitol city] is tempting, it turns out that pro-choice hell can be raised anywhere!"
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The revolution will not be televised
What I'm currently fixated on though is the House's desire to repeal the health care reform bill. How is this productive? Effective? Are we seriously going to waste time tying up the legislator with silly political games instead of getting shit done? Oh, and waste tax payer's money in the process too. It is not like the repeal will get by the Senate, or even if it does, that Obama will approve it. Fine, I admit, I'm a STRONG believer in health care reform. I DO believe that health care is a right (not a privilege) and that our pre-reform system of health care was on a crash course towards crashing. Not only was it doomed to eventually fail, it was accelerating on it's trajectory in the process. Way too much of our GDP was going towards health care and the money being spent did not reflect the quality of care being offered. Why do we spend far more than any other developed country and yet have some of the worse health care available? So yes, I will not deny that I am biased and I am pro-health care reform.
In short, I'm angry. I want to know what I, as a medical student and as a concerned citizen of The United States of America, can do to take a stand? How can I do my part to make people realize how important health care reform really is? What kind of national movement can I, along with other concerned citizens, start to ensure that our voices are collectively heard? That we want politicians to stop playing childish games and start actually fixing the problem!
Earlier this year Dan Savage had an idea to take a stand. Out of his inspiration the "It Gets Better Project" was born. Why can't we do the same? Why can't we create a national movement to support health care reform? Any ideas on how we can start our own grassroots movement would be greatly appreciated. If someone else out there is bouncing around some idea in your head about how to do this, stop thinking and start doing! If you do, I promise to be standing proudly beside you!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Debbie Friedman
I've met Debbie a few different times in my life. Being present for many of her concerts, interacting with her at youth group events and camp, and singing her songs late into the night. I last saw her a few weeks ago. She was also at the conference in the UK: performing, speaking about the power of healing, and participating. One night I sat next to her until 4am, as she and a group of others (mostly in their 20s) held an informal song circle with an eccentric mix of music. We sang many of the classic "Rise up Singing" type of songs along with some of her's and other Jewish songs. In conversation she surprised me by knowing where I was from, and who I was friends with.
Due to the power of facebook, this morning I learned that she's in the hospital. From multiple different articles, it seems that she's in the hospital in a medically induced coma as her body is struggling to fight pneumonia. There is a request that people sing her MiSeberiach tomorrow night at 6:12pm PST, right after the close of shabbos. If you are inclined to pray there is also a request that you pray for her healing, for a woman who has taught so many around the world how to ask for healing. Her hebrew name is Dina Lea bat Freidl ve-Gavriel.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
"Abortion Takes Flight" by Linda Greenhouse is another article on the current status of abortion in the US. Thoughts? What can we do to change this scary trend?
And thank you New York Times for continuing to bring this issue to press.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
define "Queer*", in haiku
please sir, define queer
seems like a strange word to choose
for self-expression
not a gay uncle
nor a boxed stereotype
I am a queer youth
part of a movement
located on a spectrum
no definition
not heternormative
Kinsey scale for me
queer encompasses
gender, sex, and politics
beyond expression
reclaiming the word
creating some momentum
less isolating
Please feel free to add your definition!
*Having developed my identity in a very liberal community, queer is the term I use to self identity and therefore what I tend to use interchangeably with LGBTQ in conversation/in my writing/on this blog. I recognize that it may make people from different backgrounds uncomfortable, and want to make it clear that this is not my intention. I see it to be the most inclusive term of identification for those of us that fall at various points on the sexuality and gender identity spectrums.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Here is a little secret: we're all going to die
My week in London was surrounded by Jews and learning. I was at a 6 day conference with over 2200 people and >400 sessions to choose from. It was kind of like summer camp for grown-ups, expect on steroids. We woke up early to pray and learn, kept our noses in text all day, and then chatted, sung, and danced late into the night.
Many of the sessions I attended related to medical ethics. I went to one on Talmudic tips for breast feeding (one should breast feed up until age 2, tsniout is not an issue), another on sexuality outside of marriage (the realization that humans are inherently sexual), another on what the torah has to say on resource allocation in socialist health care (we are obligated to save lives), another on whose life are you obligated to save (2 people, 1 water bottle...), etc...
However, the sessions on halakhic organ donation, on brain death vs. heart death, and on assisted dying are the ones I feel compelled to talk about here. The common theme in these sessions, and something that I see often in medical school, is that our culture is afraid of death. We're afraid to think about it and talk about; as if doing so will make it happen to us. Doctors seem to be the worst at this: often scared to admit that we can't save all our patients from their inevitable death. However, this fear isn't helping anyone. It means that rumors and superstition are allowed to spread rampant, loved ones are left to make choices without guidance, and that end of life care is much more invasive and costly than is necessary.
I believe this all can be changed with a few simple steps. I urge you to consider doing 1 or all of the following:
1) Think about becoming an organ donor. Get the truth on Judaism and organ donation. We don't want to think about dying young or about someone taking out parts of us; but remember that saving a life is the BIGGEST mitzvah one could do. Also, that livers have been donated from people in their 90s! Signing up to be a donor doesn't mean your destined to become one; if this were the case, there wouldn't be an organ shortage.
2) Talk to your family and friends. Let them know how you feel about end of life care and about what you decisions you hope they would make for you. Have these conversations often and under the auspice that our choices will evolve as our lives evolve. By having these conversations, you'll save your loved lots of grief and confusion; allowing them to know their living out your will.
3) Create a living will. Assign a medical power of aterny/health proxy. Use the legal framework in your favor to know that your wishes will be upheld in the event that you are unable to make the decisions yourself.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
photo review: winter break
Gluten free in the UK: fish in chips in Leicester Square! Another amazing find was gluten free fair trade brownies at the Heathrow airport Starbucks. It is really amazing how happy good gluten free surprises can make me.
Snow! Need I say more?